By Joel Southern Vole Sothern
First five miles easy
Riding five hundred eight miles
Will not be that hard…
San Francisquito
First climb, feeling very strong
Pushed heart rate too high
Windmill climb's a slog
Great downhill to Mojave
Then lots of flat miles
Johannesburg climb
Didn't use my climbing bike
But really should have
So this is Trona
That place reminded me of
An A-bomb test site
First half of the race
Mostly headwinds, sometimes strong
Getting pretty tired
I can see Townes Pass
Looming ahead, ominous
This will really hurt!
Down to Stovepipe Wells
What a blast in the darkness
Needed a jacket!
Death Valley at night
Stars all around, beautiful
Peaceful and serene
Climbing in the dark
Jubilee and Salsberry
Glad it's nice and cool
Downhill in the dark
Forty seven miles per hour
That was "scary fast"!
Sunrise near Baker
Endless climb with false summits
What fool paved this road?
My knees are hurting
Searing pain from saddle sores
My quads are on fire!
Amboy, almost done
Why is it taking so long
To Twentynine Palms?
Sheephole climb ahead
It gets steeper with each foot
When will the pain stop?
Rough, busy road now
Legs, arms and neck are fatigued
Just keep pedaling
What the heck is this?
Steep hill at mile five o six
Kostman, you sadist!
Best Western hotel
At long last comes into view
What an awesome sight!
Finishing the race
Is just like a dream come true
Pure joy and relief
The race is over
Memories of the pain fade
When is the next race?
Tribute to my crew
Thirty one hours you were there
I owe you my life