2003 Furnace Creek 508 Webcast
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Fish, Worms, and Rats
Mike "Marlin" Connolly and Ron "Worm" Way motored forward on Neutralia Road as it left the confines of California City. Just ahead of them rode "Sponge Bob" Paxson, trying valiantly to optimize his nutritional strategy after experiencing leg cramps. For most people, this feat is easily done, but the Sponge's efforts to do so are complicated by the fact that he's been an insulin dependent diabetic for 26 years. Perhaps equally astounding is the fact that he's had seven knee surgeries in as many years.
He’s living proof that the body is amazingly resilient and can rise to any occasion—as long as the mind can will it to do so.
If Ric “Desert Rat” Schrank’s animal totem is any indication, he should feel right at home. Although temps to this point have been lower than in years past, 90 degrees is still hot by anyone’s thermometer. The Virginia City, Nevada resident briefly dismounted his bike at mile 95 for a break, but was back on the road in minutes.
- Greg Pressler